Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wyeth and I Both Get Something Good to Eat!

It should come as no surprise that I'm crazy about my pets, or my "furry children" as I like to refer to them! Wyeth was almost out of dog treats, so I decided to make some homemade ones for him this morning. I found a very easy recipe online which claims to cost around 30 cents per pound! Wyeth loves them, and by my calculations, I saved $0.86 on the one pound that I made. I guess that would seem more dramatic if I had a bigger dog and needed more treats. But, I'm thrilled with the savings, AND the fact that I now know exactly what I'm feeding my dog!

I've even got my husband on board with this challenge! He went to walmart this morning to get charcoal for the grill and came home with his own story! Apparently Kingsford charcoal was $6.00 for a 9 lb. bag, and Sam's Choice was $5.27 for an 18 lb bag, so needless to say we'll be grilling with Sam's Choice tonight for a savings of $6.73! I'm not much of a charcoal
connoisseur, but how much of a difference could there be?

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